Cooperative brand​ - 合作品牌



作為清潔度測試領域的全球先驅之一,我們自1998 年起就具備了分析零件清潔度的能力。客戶受益於我們卓越的設備和創新的解決方案。 我們的核心能力是零件清潔度分析。 我們的測試實驗室依照 ISO-16232、VDA-19.1 和客戶特定標準運作。 我們為您的實驗室提供所有設備。

As one of the worldwide pioneers in cleanliness testing, we have acquired the competence to analyze component cleanliness since 1998. Customers benefit from our excellent equipment and our creative solutions. Our core competency is the analysis of component cleanliness. Our testing laboratory works according to ISO-16232, VDA-19.1 and customer-specific standards. We supply all equipment for your laboratory.


  • Technical Cleanliness 技術清潔度
  • Micro & Nano-CT 電腦斷層掃描
  • SEM-EDX 掃描電子顯微鏡及能譜測試
