自1980以來,總部位於瑞士的WINTOOL AG,持續改進依據生產需求的CNC工具資料管理解決方案(PRT管理),WINTOOL能與客戶自有系統進行整合並可與許多精密製造軟體連結,是以製程導向而開發的刀具管理軟體,減少耗損生產過程資料處理的成本
Since 1980, the Swiss based WINTOOL AG has been developing and constantly improving an extremely comprehensive, yet easy-to-use CNC data management solution for production resources & tools (PRT Management). Together with many precision manufacturers and solution partners, WINTOOL has incorporated Best Practices found in home grown systems, continued to champion the lean manufacturing methodology, and reduced the overhead of data processing requirements.